
This past weekend my wonderful husband had to go away from Friday afternoon till after the boys went down on Sunday evening. To say I was a little apprehensive about this time is an understatement. How could I handle two toddlers by myself in the ninth month of my pregnancy? Silly me, shouldn't have worried. God had planned this time and He was going to use it. Was it hard? Yes! But, Saturday night when I was getting ready to go to bed, I started thinking about the words that we use in our house. In the Bible it says we will be accountable for every single word we say, which includes words to our kids. I think sometimes we (I) forget that they are able to understand a LOT and the words we use when speaking to them are important. It's not just about teaching them what not to do, but explaining to them why not and what to do. They are definitely at the age of understanding these things and it really convicted me to just sit back and think about what I am saying and what I am not saying. Am I sharing the Gospel with them every chance I get? Am I directing them to God? Or just teaching them right from wrong? I know God is able to work in spite of me and the mistakes that I make (which I praise Him for), but I also want Him to work through me and help me to raise our children in a way that glorifies Him.


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