Friday and give aways!

Friday! Last weekend here in MN. I cannot believe how fast it has gone! The boys adapted so well here and really thrived. It's a little insane right now though because we are trying to pack what we need (it's VERY hard to move when you are flying!), enjoy our last moments with family, and adjust the boys to the new time change. The last of these is going incredibly well. I'm pretty shocked about that! We've been pushing the boys bedtime back 15 minutes every night (as well as the rest of their routine) and we are now up to a 9:15 bedtime...which means they are STILL sleeping this morning! *YAY* The only really hard part of all this is that we (I) are loosing our night time free time. So packing is becoming a bit of an issue. Hopefully I can take advantage of some nap times!

In other news, Multiples and More is doing an end of the summer blog party! For those who don't know, they are a great blog which allows you to meet other moms of multiples (or Dads!) and encourage each other along. For their end of the summer blog party they will be giving away tons of free stuff! And so, on that day, I'll be doing a little give away of my own! Stay tuned for details! :)


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